Monday, January 11, 2021

Reader Services through the 35th Sunday after Pentecost

This installment covers the Sundays and Feasts of Old Calendar January, which on the civil Calendar runs from January 14th through February 13th. I intend to keep these texts posted as long as there are states or English speaking countries that are still under lockdown due to the Coronavirus.

The Eves

For the Eves of the upcoming Sundays and Feasts, you could ideally do the Vigil. The fixed portions can be downloaded here:

or viewed in HTML, here:

For the Rubrics, see:

The variable portions of the service can be downloaded here (all of these would be served on the eve of their respective days). The Sunday services require two files, because these combinations do not repeat annually. In addition to the files linked for the Sundays below, you will need to use the appropriate Katavasia, which for this time period is the Katavasia of the Theophany and then that of the Presentation -- the respective Rubrics will tell you which. Also, on Sundays, there are some hymns that are appointed according to which Matins Gospel is read. To find out which one is read, you also need to look at the Rubrics. For those texts, you will find them here: Those hymns are usually done at the Exapostilaria and then at the Doxasticon at the Praises.

Also, the texts below do not always have the full canon for the Menaion, but you can find that here: (you will need to look up the service according to the Old Calendar (o.s.) date).

For the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord & St. Basil (January 14th n.s. / January 1st o.s.):

For the 32nd Sunday after Pentecost / Forefeast of Theophany & Synaxis of the 70 Apostles (January 4th n.s. / January 17th o.s.):

Vigil for the Eve of Theophany (January 18th n.s. / January 5th o.s.):

(This service is not set up as a reader service, but by following the usual modifications, you could easily use this text to do it as a reader service)

Vespers for Theophany (January 19th n.s. / January 6th o.s.):

Vigil for Theophany (January 19th n.s. / January 6th o.s.):

For the 33rd Sunday after Pentecost / Venerable Theodosius the Great / Afterfeast of Theophany (January 24th n.s. / January 11th o.s.):

For the 34th Sunday after Pentecost / Ss. Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria (January 31st n.s. / January 18th o.s.):

For the 35th Sunday after Pentecost / Sunday of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia (February 7th n.s. / January 25th o.s.):


In place of the Liturgies, you would do Typika:

For the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord & St. Basil (January 14th n.s. / January 1st o.s.):

For the 32nd Sunday after Pentecost / Forefeast of Theophany & Synaxis of the 70 Apostles (January 4th n.s. / January 17th o.s.):

Royal Hours and Typika for the Eve of Theophany (January 18th n.s. / January 5th o.s.):

Typika for Theophany (January 19th n.s. / January 6th o.s.):

For the 33rd Sunday after Pentecost / Venerable Theodosius the Great / Afterfeast of Theophany (January 24th n.s. / January 11th o.s.):

For the 34th Sunday after Pentecost / Ss. Athanasius and Cyril of Alexandria (January 31st n.s. / January 18th o.s.):

For the 35th Sunday after Pentecost / Sunday of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia (February 7th n.s. / January 25th o.s.):